+606 2883131

Peta Lokasi


Swiss-Garden Hotel Melaka

Multiroom Reservation

Temukan harga terendah kami
BOOKING GUIDE Bahasa Indonesia

Best Flexible Rate (Free Breakfast)

Best Flexible Rate (Free Breakfast)

Enjoy our best and most flexible rate with Free Breakfasts

Book now with no worries. If you need to amend or cancel your reservation, don't worry, our Best Available Rate gives you the flexibility if your travel plans suddenly change.

  • Complimentary daily breakfast for 2 persons
  • Complimentary usage of Wi-Fi
  • Complimentary usage of facilities deck at Level 9
  • Complimentary covered parking at level 7 & 8

Deluxe Room

  • Complimentary usage of Swimming Pool and Gymnasium
  • Bedding Type is subject to availability upon check in

HTG 13531.51

Dari HTG 5355.80 / malam

Total HTG 5355.80 untuk 1 malam
Tidak Termasuk Pajak
Pajak HTG 1020.47

Premier King Room

HTG 18324.66

Dari HTG 8175.70 / malam

Total HTG 8175.70 untuk 1 malam
Tidak Termasuk Pajak
Pajak HTG 1527.38

Executive Suite

  • Complimentary usage of Swimming Pool and Gymnasium

HTG 30446.89

Dari HTG 9584.98 / malam

Total HTG 9584.98 untuk 1 malam
Tidak Termasuk Pajak
Pajak HTG 1780.84

Family Suite

Family Suite with separate rooms for children and parents can comfortably accommodate a family of five adult and 3 kids in style while providing guests with space and privacy.

HTG 53000.74

Dari HTG 22552.52 / malam

Total HTG 22552.52 untuk 1 malam
Tidak Termasuk Pajak
Pajak HTG 4115.05

2 kamar tersisa