+603 27851111

Mappa della zona

Swiss-Garden Hotel Bukit Bintang Kuala Lumpur

Multiroom Reservation

Best Available Rate - Room with Breakfast

Best Available Rate - Room with Breakfast

Take advantage of our breakfast inclusive rate and enjoy :

Mostra di più

Deluxe King Room

  • Complimentary WiFi *Newly Renovated Hotel

MYR 560.00

Da MYR 540.00 / notte

Totale MYR 540.00 per 1 notte/i
Tasse incluse
Tasse MYR 0.00

Premier Room

  • Complimentary WiFi

MYR 888.00

Da MYR 640.00 / notte

Totale MYR 640.00 per 1 notte/i
Tasse incluse
Tasse MYR 0.00

3 camere rimanenti

Executive Room

  • Complimentary WiFi

MYR 1080.00

Da MYR 740.00 / notte

Totale MYR 740.00 per 1 notte/i
Tasse incluse
Tasse MYR 0.00