+603 27851111

Peta Lokasi

Swiss-Garden Hotel Bukit Bintang Kuala Lumpur

Multiroom Reservation

Temukan harga terendah kami
BOOKING GUIDE Bahasa Indonesia

Best Available Rate - Room Only

Complimentary WiFi

1 Malam

RSD 12850.88 -18%
RSD 10556.39
Total RSD 10556.39
2 kamar tersisa

RSD 12850.88 -18%
RSD 10556.39
Total RSD 10556.39

Sold Out

RSD 24784.61 -48%
RSD 12850.88
Total RSD 12850.88

RSD 41308.41
Total RSD 41308.41

Best Available Rate - Room with Breakfast

Take advantage of our breakfast inclusive rate and enjoy :

Baca lebih lanjut
1 Malam

RSD 12850.88 -11%
RSD 11474.61
Total RSD 11474.61
2 kamar tersisa

RSD 12850.88 -11%
RSD 11474.61
Total RSD 11474.61

Sold Out

RSD 24784.61 -44%
RSD 13769.11
Total RSD 13769.11

RSD 42226.64
Total RSD 42226.64