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Swiss-Garden Hotel Bukit Bintang Kuala Lumpur

Multiroom Reservation

Discover our lowest rates

Best Available Rate - Room Only

Complimentary WiFi

1 Night

AWG 213.71 -11%
AWG 190.82
Total AWG 190.82
3 rooms remaining

AWG 338.90 -32%
AWG 228.99
Total AWG 228.99
3 rooms remaining

AWG 412.18 -35%
AWG 267.16
Total AWG 267.16

Sold Out

Best Available Rate - Room with Breakfast

Take advantage of our breakfast inclusive rate and enjoy :

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1 Night

AWG 213.71 -4%
AWG 206.08
Total AWG 206.08
3 rooms remaining

AWG 338.90 -28%
AWG 244.24
Total AWG 244.24
3 rooms remaining

AWG 412.18 -31%
AWG 282.41
Total AWG 282.41

Sold Out