+603 27851111

Mappa della zona

Swiss-Garden Hotel Bukit Bintang Kuala Lumpur

Multiroom Reservation

Scopri i nostri prezzi più vantaggiosi

Best Available Rate - Room Only

Complimentary WiFi

1 Notte

LVL 77.66 -29%
LVL 55.47
Totale LVL 55.47

LVL 77.66 -29%
LVL 55.47
Totale LVL 55.47

LVL 123.15 -50%
LVL 61.02
Totale LVL 61.02

LVL 149.78 -56%
LVL 66.57
Totale LVL 66.57

LVL 220.24 -6%
LVL 208.04
Totale LVL 208.04

Best Available Rate - Room with Breakfast

Take advantage of our breakfast inclusive rate and enjoy :

Mostra di più
1 Notte

LVL 77.66 -21%
LVL 61.02
Totale LVL 61.02

LVL 77.66 -21%
LVL 61.02
Totale LVL 61.02

LVL 123.15 -46%
LVL 66.57
Totale LVL 66.57

LVL 149.78 -52%
LVL 72.12
Totale LVL 72.12

LVL 220.24 -3%
LVL 213.59
Totale LVL 213.59